Anthony Gantt, entrepreneur and recently retired Officer for the United States Marine Corps after 22 years, joins us today to tell a tale of what it truly means to build a purpose-built startup. During his service, Anthony was relocated from Virginia to Texas, charged with orders to find accommodations for his family which included his wife plus their 6 children. A standard hotel room (or multiple) was not an option - so Anthony booked a rental on Airbnb. Little did he know, the Government did NOT allow this - military personnel could be compensated for hotel stays, but compensation did not allow for bookings made on these "new OTAs" (which includes Vrbo and all the other vacation rental based channels.)

He was not reimbursed for the necessary accommodations to relocate, and soon found out this was happening all across the globe - military families had NO ability to be reimbursed for vacation rentals or short term rentals as a form of relocation OR vacation - a standard practice when a traditional hotel is utilized.

Anthony now embarks on a new career path as CEO/Founder of At Ease, that will take him into a totally different battle zone: working through the challenges of outdated laws and complexities of OTA / vacation rental technology. If his mission is successful, he will unlock a $4.9 BILLION dollar travel opportunity for vacation rental managers and short term rental hosts alike.

Tune in for a lively, fun and inspirational episode with Alex & Annie & Anthony discussing all things vacation & short term rentals, technology, entrepreneurship and more!

Watch on YouTube here:

CEO & Founder AtEase