đź’” In the ever-evolving industry we're in, it's disheartening to see a lack of knowledge-sharing, with only a select few openly expressing thoughts on various topics. Meanwhile, many attendees at conferences choose to remain silent during sessions, often feeling unqualified to contribute.

đź’ˇ However, it's important to realize that everyone has valuable insights to offer, regardless of the size of their vacation rental business or their position within a company.

🤝 Sharing knowledge and bouncing ideas off each other is crucial, as we collectively tackle the challenges at hand. It's not about being brilliant; it's about working together to find solutions for these complex issues.

🚀 Join us with Sarah Bradford as we tackle the silent majority in vacation rentals and why do so many keep their ideas under wraps.

#impostersyndrome #sharingiscaring #community #vacationrental #growthmindset #shorttermrental