Alex & Annie Vacation Rental Podcast

Alex & Annie & Amber Five Stars

This is worth every second of listening! The three of them build a roadway that takes you from guessing to knowing. The marketing world has evolved intellectually and from new perspectives from the digital world. Yet, THIS team never missed a beat!
The folks who can honestly ask “To what end?” as regards their efforts add real value.
Amber fashions in with brand vision and reputation branding to tie it all together. This modern threesome are not far off from writing their first book together.
What they say is important. They go way beyond being just “influencers.” They are the real deal!
They are intellectually honest and brave enough to self-critique. They know that marketing/branding is a tap dance to viewers and users. How well you tap is directly related to how grounded you are! Ask them where they bought their tap shoes!
Ladies, you are donnish as “buttah” on-air. To think that this only your second podcast—-wow!
I’ve been doing these kind of assignments for 35 years. I’ve hired dozens of strategists and creatives, but none get to the DNA of the field as do the triple-A’s!
Hooray to those who listen to them, and then start the tribe of believers!

Nov. 17, 2021 by JD Calhoun on Apple Podcasts

Alex & Annie Vacation Rental Podcast